Busy conference! I presented a talk at the pre-conference Cognitively Based Music Informatics Research (CogMIR) seminar entitled[…]
Earlier this month I gave at talk at A study of intonation tendencies of solo versus ensemble[…]
I recently gave a talk entitled “Empirically Evaluating Vocal Intonation” at McGill as part of a CIRMMT[…]
I will be presenting a paper entitled “Semitone tuning in vocal performance” at PAS6 this week.
This week I presented a poster (co-authored with Michael Mandel and Ichiro Fujinaga) in Porto at ISMIR[…]
As of September 1, 2012, I will be an Assistant Professor of Music Theory and Cognition at[…]
My article, with co-authors Michael Mandel, Dan Ellis, and Ichiro Fujinaga, entitled “Automatically extracting performance data from[…]
The second alpha version of my Automated Music Performance Analysis and Comparison Toolkit has been released and[…]
Earlier this month I presented a poster at the Workshop on the Applications of Signal Processing to[…]
The first alpha version of my Automated Music Performance Analysis and Comparison Toolkit has been released and[…]