Recent Publications
Overview Chapters
Devaney, J. 2023. Audio processing tools for music corpus studies. Oxford Handbook of Music and Corpus Studies.
Devaney, J. 2020. An Empirical Evaluation of Note Segmentation and Automatic Pitch-Extraction Methods for the Singing Voice. Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing. Volume 1: Development. Ed. F. A. Russo, B. Ilari, and A. J. Cohen, 136–48: Routledge.
Automatic Music Performance and Analysis Toolkit (AMPACT)
Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities
Devaney, J. and C. Beauchamp. 2023. Encoding Performance Data in MEI with the Automatic Music Performance Analysis and Comparison Toolkit (AMPACT). Late-Breaking Demo Session, International Society of Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR).
Devaney, J. 2020. Using music encoding to facilitate interdisciplinary research on human engagement with music. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval. 3(1), 205–217
Devaney, J. 2020. Evaluating note-level parameter accuracy in fundamental frequency estimation. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 531–5.
Devaney, J. and H. Léveillé Gauvin. 2019. Encoding music performance data in Humdrum and MEI. International Journal for Digital Libraries. 20 (1): 81–91.
Diversity in music Research
Devaney, J. and D. Meredith. 2023. Diversity in Journal of New Music Research. Journal of New Music Research. 51(4–5).
Duguay, M., K. Mancey, and J. Devaney. 2023 Collaborative Song Dataset (CoSoD): An annotated dataset of multi-artist collaborations in popular music. Proceedings of the ISMIR conference.
Bauer, C. and J. Devaney. 2022. Constructing gender in audio: Exploring how the curation of the voice in music and speech influences our conception of gender identity. Medial konstruierte Stimmen.
Devaney, J. 2019. Eugenics and musical talent: Exploring the influence of the Seashore ‘Measures of Musical Talent’ tests on the practice and conception of musical performance. American Music Review.
Project Funding

Older Publications
Older Research Projects
Symbolic Music Processing: TAVERN Dataset
- Devaney, J. and C. Arthur. 2015. Developing a structurally significant representation of music audio through domain knowledge. In Late-Breaking Demo Session, ISMIR.
- Devaney, J., C. Arthur, N. Condit-Schultz, and K. Nisula. 2015. Theme And Variation Encodings with Roman Numerals: A new data set for symbolic music analysis. In Proceedings of ISMIR. 728–34.
- Devaney, J. and D. Shanahan. 2014. Evaluating Rule- and Exemplar-Based Computational Approaches to Modeling Harmonic Function in Music Theory Pedagogy. In Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology.
- Funding
Google Faculty Research Award (2014). Developing a language model and representations of symbolic music data for classification tasks. (Principal Investigator)
Experiments on Musical Performance Practices
- Devaney, J. 2016. Inter- versus intra-singer similarity and variation in vocal performances. Journal of New Music Research. 45 (3): 252-64.
- Devaney, J., J. Hockman, J. Wild, P. Schubert, and I. Fujinaga. 2013. Diatonic semitone tuning in two-part singing. Paper presented at Society for Music Perception and Cognition conference.
- Devaney, J. 2013. A study of intonation tendencies of solo versus ensemble singing. Paper presented at the Performance Studies Network Second International Conference.
- Devaney, J., J. Wild, and I. Fujinaga. 2011 Intonation in solo vocal performance: A study of semitone and whole tone tuning in undergraduate and professional sopranos. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science.
- Devaney, J. 2011. An empirical study of the influence of musical context on intonation practices in solo singers and SATB ensembles. Ph. D. Dissertation. McGill University.
- Funding
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2011–12) Exploring vocal intonation practices in popular and non-western musics. (Postdoctoral Fellowship)
Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture, Programme appui à la recherche-création (2008–11) Les techniques vocales du repertoire microtonale historique adaptées à la pratique moderne. (Student Collaborator)
Digitizing the Performance Scores in the Publications from Carl Seashore’s Lab
- Devaney, J. 2015. Recapturing the musical performance data in Seashore’s published performance scores. Musicae Scientiae.
- Devaney, J. 2014. Digitization and analysis of Seashore’s historical music performance scores. Paper presented at the International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition.
- Funding
The Ohio State University, College of Arts and Sciences Larger Grant (2015) “Printed performances: Recovering Carl Seashore’s musical performance data from the 1920s and 1930s” (Principal Investigator)
Estimating Performance Data from Recordings: AMPACT
- Devaney, J. and M. Mandel. 2017. An evaluation of score-informed methods for estimating fundamental frequency and power from polyphonic audio. In Proceedings of ICASSP. 181–5.
- Devaney, J. and H. Léveillé Gauvin. 2016. Representing and linking music performance data with score information. In Proceedings of the 3rd International workshop on Digital Libraries for Musicology. 1–8.
- Devaney, J. and D. Richardson. 2015. The influence of sung vowels on pitch perception. Paper to be presented at the Acoustical Society of America meeting.
- Devaney, J. 2014. Estimating onset and offset asynchronies in polyphonic audio-to-score alignment. Journal of New Music Research. 43 (3): 266–75.
- Devaney, J. and D. Wessel. 2013. Pitch perception of time-varying sung tones. Presented at Society for Music Perception and Cognition conference.
- Devaney, J., M. I. Mandel, and I. Fujinaga. 2012. A Study of Intonation in Three-Part Singing using the Automatic Music Performance Analysis and Comparison Toolkit (AMPACT). In Proceedings of the 2012 International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference.
- Devaney, J., M. I. Mandel, and I. Fujinaga. 2011. Characterizing Singing Voice Fundamental Frequency Trajectories. Proceedings of the 2011 Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics.
- Devaney, J., M. I. Mandel, D. P. W. Ellis, and I. Fujinaga. 2010. Automatically extracting performance data from recordings of trained singers. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind & Brain. 21(1–2): 103–36.
- Devaney, J., M. I. Mandel, and D. P. W. Ellis. 2009. Improving MIDI-audio alignment with acoustic features. In Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics.
- Devaney, J. and D. P. W. Ellis. 2009. Handing asynchrony in audio-score alignment. In Proceedings of the 2009 International Computer Music Conference.
- Devaney, J., and D. P. W. Ellis. 2008. An empirical approach to studying intonation tendencies in polyphonic vocal performances. Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies. 2(1-2):141-56.
- Funding
- National Endowment for the Humanities (2015–16) (Digital Humanities Start Up Grant)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2008–11) (Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canadian Graduate Scholarship)
- National Endowment for the Humanities (2015–16) (Digital Humanities Start Up Grant)
Much Older Research Projects
Pitch Spelling
- Devaney, J. 2005. Pitch Spelling: Towards a More Holistic Generalized Spelling Algorithm MA Paper. Columbia University.
Music of Elliott Carter
- Devaney, J. 2003. Some elements of structure in Elliott Carter’s Insomnia from A Mirror on Which to Dwell. Ex Tempore. 11(2)
Pedagogical Applications of Music Software
- Devaney, J. 2003. Reasonable Influences: The advantages and obstacles encountered with commercial software. In Proceedings of the 2003 International Computer Music Conference.
Composing in Alternative Temperaments
- Devaney, J. 2003. An algorithmic approach to composing for flexible intonation ensembles. In Proceedings of the 2003 International Computer Music Conference.
- Devaney, J. 2002. Sound Objects: Approaches to Composition in an Object-Oriented Paradigm. MA Thesis. York University.