On Tuesday August 5th, I’ll be presenting a paper entitled “Digitization and analysis of Seashore’s historical music[…]
On Tuesday July 8th, I’ll be presenting a poster entitled “Applying the work of Bregman, Krumhansl, and[…]
On Thursday June 19th, I’ll be presenting at poster entitled “Developing a language model and representation of[…]
On Friday June 13th, I’ll be giving a seminar entitled “Analyzing Recorded Vocal Performances” for the Audio[…]
On Friday May 2nd, I’ll be giving a seminar entitled “Analyzing Recorded Vocal Performances” at the Centre[…]
On Tuesday May 20th, I’ll be giving a seminar entitled “Automatic analysis and comparison of musical performances“[…]
My project “Developing a language model and representation of symbolic music data for classification and similarity tasks”[…]
On Monday February 24th, I’ll be giving a lecture entitled “Analyzing musical performances“ in the Musicology Lecture[…]
On November 15th, I’ll be giving a talk entitled “Developing a symbolic music representation inspired by speech[…]
This week, I’ll be attending the Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Acoustics and Audio (WASPAA)[…]